Jan 25, 2010

Getting better at this

As I browse to other people's blogs I always see these amazing looks, and I've decide that today was about making my blog to look more attractive to see if I can 'win' some followers.

I searched among photos taken by me and added my "logo" to it.

My name is Debora, and I go by Deb, or Dé in my home country. However, some of you may know this, but Debora means 'the queen bee' in Hebrew and that's why I have a bee as a logo and the change name to Debee.

I've also added a link to some of my pictures at flickr.

I will keep exploring Blogger and maybe one day I will have an awesome blog just like some of you do.

Jan 19, 2010

A better look of me

If you were wondering how do I look like in color, here is a picture of me.

Today's tutorial was creating watercolor effects in Photoshop... It was fun just to see how many things I can do with a brush. A little hard at the beginning trying to get use to the tool, but once I figured it out, it was all fun stuff.

I'm not sure how many of you are reading this, but all I really want is for people to appreciate the images I'm posting.

I even don't really ready other people's blogs, I only go into their blogs to see the images. Some of them really inspire me to do my own creative things. I hope this serves the same for some of you.

Enjoy!! (or not)

Jan 14, 2010

Unindo a fome com a vontade de comer

I've might have mentioned that I have the best dog ever, right? Well, I do.
His name is Ziggy, and although I love reggae it is not after Ziggy Marley. My husband was the one that pick the name and he had no clue of the existence of Marley's son.

Ziggy will be 3 years old at the end of February, and we have adopted him when he was 3 months old. Everyday our love for him just grows and grows (I'm afraid what we will do when I actually have a kid).

So today I decided that I will use this blog as something useful. As you might have noticed the title of today's blog is in Portuguese. It is an Brazilian expression, that you guys might use here too, I don't know. It says "Uniting the hungry with the desire of eating", meaning putting together two things to serve the same purpose.

Since I'm a Graphic Designer and I feel the need of improving my skills, I will use this blog to show the art/exercise I will be doing maybe everyday, maybe every other day, or as often as I manage.

Today is about Ziggy. I've chosen one of his pictures took by me, and applied the "A picture worth a thousand words" effect. I hope you like it!

Jan 13, 2010

What I like

Today I'm going to tell you a bit more about myself...

I was born and raise in a big city in Brazil, Sao Paulo.
I came to the U.S to learn English and I liked here so much that I decided to stay and make it my new home. I've been living in St. Louis, Missouri for the last 10 years. It is a great city to visit, and some say it is a great place to live too. I'm honestly just O.K with the city. I don't know... I miss the ocean and I definitely don't like the winter here.

My whole family is back in Brazil, and here I'm trying to "build" one of my own. I've been married for 3 1/2 years to a lovely Bosnian man. We don't have kids yet, just the most wonderful dog ever. Ha!!! Don't we all say that?!! But he is!!!

As I mentioned yesterday, I'm a Graphic Designer and I love what I do. Maybe not so much for who I do it for, but that's a whole different blog.

Photography is my hobby... if I only had enough money to invest in cameras I would probably not be sitting in front of this computer right now :\

I used to play volleyball and at a certain point I used to be good too.

I love books!! I said I love books, not to read. However I've been getting better at it. I've noticed how much impact that can have on my career.

I LOOOOOOOVE to travel. My husband and I try to plan a big vacation overseas once a year. In fact we were searching for ideas last night for this year's vacation. Any suggestion?

I love Mexican food, ice cream and chocolate. I'm not so into veggies, so I try to drink V8 to pretend I'm healthy sometimes.

I workout and take Zumba class once a week. Very fun!!!

I'm flip-flops on Summer and scarves on winter.

I like color. I like happy. I like smile. I like music. I like dance. I like fun.

Jan 12, 2010

Trying new things

So in the middle of this economic crises I've decided I should do something to change my professional goals, or maybe even a little of my personal goals as well.

A while ago I created a Face Book account, which got me addicted for few months. Twitter?? Nah... in my opinion it would be just another FB with different settings. I still look up things on FB, but not as often. It got old, besides that it didn't really add anything to my life. In fact just took away, if know what I mean.

So I heard people talking about blogging, watched that movie Julie & Julia, and then my sister needed me to put a website together for her new business and I suggested her a blog, because she did not know that although I'm Graphic Designer, I can't build a website.

That got me thinking...

If all these people can do it, so can I!!! I'm not a writer by any means, nor English is my first language, and that's probably why you will see some errors here - but get used to it, not sure how much better I can get. Just try to think of a 31 years old lady with a cute accent talking and this will be more pleasant ;)

Anyway, this is my first time blogging and I hope I like it and get something out of it. If you have any input to give me, please do so. I will be back tomorrow and tell you a little bit more about me.

Have a great day!!