Jan 14, 2010

Unindo a fome com a vontade de comer

I've might have mentioned that I have the best dog ever, right? Well, I do.
His name is Ziggy, and although I love reggae it is not after Ziggy Marley. My husband was the one that pick the name and he had no clue of the existence of Marley's son.

Ziggy will be 3 years old at the end of February, and we have adopted him when he was 3 months old. Everyday our love for him just grows and grows (I'm afraid what we will do when I actually have a kid).

So today I decided that I will use this blog as something useful. As you might have noticed the title of today's blog is in Portuguese. It is an Brazilian expression, that you guys might use here too, I don't know. It says "Uniting the hungry with the desire of eating", meaning putting together two things to serve the same purpose.

Since I'm a Graphic Designer and I feel the need of improving my skills, I will use this blog to show the art/exercise I will be doing maybe everyday, maybe every other day, or as often as I manage.

Today is about Ziggy. I've chosen one of his pictures took by me, and applied the "A picture worth a thousand words" effect. I hope you like it!


Unknown said...

Hey there!

Welcome to the blogging world! In case you are wondering, I saw your profile on my dashboard and thought I should say hi!

And Ziggy sounds like an amazing dog! =0)

And yes, I love the picture of him.


Debee said...

Hey Fongky,
Thank you so much for 'stopping by'. I was really excited to see that I had a comment.

I'm planning to put more artwork this week. Check back and let me know what you think.

Thanks again for the note - Ziggy says thank you too ;)